The first option is selecting the working folder with the browse button and then manually typing in the folders and subfolders to create separated by a vertical line or pipe (Shift+\). It also has three different options to create multiple folders at once. That includes naming by time, day, week, month, year, or from clipboard text. The good thing about XMD is it can create lots of new folders in different ways. Other options include auto timestamping folders, adding a root path folder, and adding a bracketed number to duplicate folders. In the Options window, you can add a shortcut to the Windows Send to context menu which opens the selected folder as the root location for new folders. Add your list of names and finally hit Create folders. Click the Browse button to locate the working folder where all the listed folders will be created. The other is a manual option that allows you to type in the folder names yourself or paste them in from another program. One way is loading a text file that contains a list of folders and subfolders. While it’s not loaded with features, Text 2 Folders is easy to use and has enough functionality for most users with two mthods of operation. Text 2 Folders is a pretty simple and portable multiple folder creation tool programmed in the AutoHotkey scripting language. A simple and effective method to batch create folders is using a dedicated program to do it for you.